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Personal farewell to Olav Skille

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In 2006, I was doing my MA in Holistic Health  in Lesley University’s branch in Israel.

I was always connected to music and felt it was a powerful inner mechanism which could bring  individuals into balance and peace on demand.

My thesis was in fact called “Calmness On Demand”.  As a meditation teacher and energy healer, I was looking for different modalities and therapeutic tools connected to music and found Olav Skille in the internet.

I was intrigued by Vibroacoustic Therapy and Olav and I became internet pals. We exchanged emails and he shared with me his perception of harmony of sound and the fascinating world of low sound frequencies.

When I relocated to the US, Olav asked me to represent him here. He sent me a mat and CDs of his low sound frequencies.  I said I needed time to become my own self laboratory to explore the impact of his frequency compositions of my BodyMindSpirit.

Here is the place to say that for three years, almost daily, we had skype conversations that went beyond mentoring me about vibrations, harmony, and how harmonic low sound frequencies are  generic, yet powerful tools to balance inner systems more than any music.

Olav was a  Freemason and he was interested in Hebrew, and Jewish mysticism. He shared with me that he wished to have a Menorah similar to the one in Solomon The King Temple.  In one of my visits, I brought him one.


Olav is not yet known to many people. In the commercial world, many companies use the term Vibroacoustic Therapy for streaming music with some frequencies combined.

Olav Skille is the inventor of the original Vibroacoustic Therapy.  Though in his first years he did combined music with frequencies, he later, put music aside.

Please read his article  about music vs. pure sound

He used to tell me at the beginning when he mentored me- :” Put music aside. Be in Silence. Listen to your body. Breathe deeply”  

From my own experience – I can say that when you put aside music, a new world of inner journey manifests. You learn about the multilevel  dimensions of who you are as the low sound frequencies 

do meditation to your cells.

Olav Skille's frequencies balance, calibrate, attune, harmonize our beings – that is – like an orchestra's conductor, vibroacoustic therapy platform optimizes the energy in every organ, tissue and cells and creates inner conditions for the body to heal itself.

Olav shared with me his perception that in his opinion, Phonons are used to communicate between cells.


Olav Skille saw the negative impact of stress as the gateway to most illnesses. As a user and a  therapist and  after exploring so many tools and modalities,  I can say Olav Skille's frequencies are the easiest, and most effective way to reduce stress daily. The process is so gentle and comforting.  You can easily adopt vibroacoustic therapy as sonic inner body massage in a fun and loving way.  


You are welcome to download our book about Vibroacoustic Therapy here .

This is also a call to bridge between academia and  the commercial world to do more  academic and applied research on Olav Skille’s low sound frequencies and train therapists how to incorporate vibroacoustic therapy as a generic, holistic and integrative modality and self-care tool.

Our perception of SilentSoundSpace  and our new project may elevate the bond between wellness-health-wellbeing and boost the implementation of selfcare.















                     Toril - Founder of Multivib and me





Rest in Peace Olav Skille – my beloved mentor.

You changed my life with your Vibroacoustic Therapy which I use daily to attune my inner compass.

My vision is that everyone would have a mat, pillow, recliner, soundbath weighted blanket  with Olav’s frequencies to bring sanity to humanity with Vibroacoustic Therapy.


Read more:

Olav Skille in Google Scholar

Flower Arrangement 4
Dear reader, - therapist, colleage, user...
If you wish to share your memory of Olav Skille or send a testimonial of using Olav's Harmonic low sound frequencies, You are most welcome to send me an email :
and I will be glad to upload it and share it with all.
Thank you

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Avigaili Berg
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